コマンドオプションサンプル:shutdown /i


shutdown /i to display the Remote Shutdown Dialog box
    shutdown | Microsoft Docs : http://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/shutdown
shutdown /i site:social.technet.microsoft.com
    「shutdown /p site:askubuntu.com」の検索結果 - Yahoo!検索 : http://search.yahoo.co.jp/search@p=shutdown+%2Fi+site%3Asocial.technet.microsoft.com&rkf=1
shutdown /i to bring up the shutdown window. From there you can add computers
    Remote reboot from MMC | Another Tech Blog : http://www.baumel.com/2009/04/remote-reboot-from-mmc/
shutdown /i gives you time to check the options in a GUI
    Windows Server Shutdown Command Line Switches : http://www.computerperformance.co.uk/Longhorn/server_2008_shutdown_command.htm
shutdown /i command and see what will happen
    How to Shutdown Windows OS Interactively via Shutdown Command - Cybrary : http://www.cybrary.it/0p3n/shutdown-windows-os-interactively-via-shutdown-command/
shutdown /i to display the Remote Shutdown Dialog box
    Remote Computer Shutdown - Microsoft Windows | DaniWeb : http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/microsoft-windows/threads/10650/remote-computer-shutdown
shutdown /i GUI
    How to use the Windows shutdown command - gHacks Tech News : http://www.ghacks.net/2017/05/22/how-to-use-the-windows-shutdown-command/
shutdown /I enternamehere
    Shutdown a Computor Remotley (the Real Way) : http://www.instructables.com/id/Shutdown-a-Computor-Remotley-the-real-way/
Shutdown /i on the command prompt and it will open another dialogue box
    How to shutdown or Restart the Server Remotely : http://www.prohut.net/blogging/restart-shutdown-server-remotely/
Shutdown /i on the command prompt and it will open another dialogue box
    How to: Steps to Restart or Shutdown server remotely from Command Pro… : http://www.slideshare.net/prohut/how-to-steps-to-restart-or-shutdown-server-remotely
shutdown /i Shutdown Windows Remote machine Troubleshoot common remote desktop connection failures VB Script to Eject CDROM VB Script to sent notification alerts Windows Windows 2012 Windows Remote Desktop failed
    Shutdown.exe is a Powerful Utility in Windows to Restart or Shutdown a Machine | TechiesWeb : http://www.techiesweb.com/shutdown-exe-is-a-powerful-utility-in-windows-to-restart-or-shutdown-a-machine/
shutdown /i and press
    How to Remotely Shutdown a Computer (with Pictures) - wikiHow : http://www.wikihow.com/Remotely-Shutdown-a-Computer

shutdown のオプション一覧