Command option Sample:setspn -R

Search command sample in the internet.It is the result.

setspn -R ƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“

SETSPN -R http/hostname would be right
    Kerberos Issues - Laserfiche Answers :
setspn -R AccountName
    service principal name-ironKui-51CTO”Ž‹q :
setspn -r KHWIN7
    Service Principal Names (SPNs) SetSPN Syntax (Setspn.exe) - CSDN”Ž‹q :
setspn -R accountname
    New and improved setspn – Everyday Adventures :
setspn -R fileserver
    EMC Community Network - DECN: Cannot access CIFS shares after installing 2008R2 server.  :
setspn -R computername -A = add arbitrary SPN Usage: setspn -A SPN computername -D = delete arbitrary SPN Usage: setspn -D SPN computername -L = list registered SPNs Usage: setspn [-L] computername Examples: setspn -R daserver1 It will register SPN "HOST/daserver1" and "HOST/
     About lawpak_ - Pulse Secure Community :
    [SOLVED] 2003SBS replacing with 2012R2 - Windows Server Essentials & SBS - Spiceworks :
setspn -R TERMSRV/LON-TS99
    Event ID 1067 - TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager - Deus Ex Machina  :
setspn -R spn C:\Program Files\Support Tools \>setspn -A BOBJCentralMS/XI30RTM.DANIEL.COM spn C:\Program Files\Support Tools \>setspn L XI30RTM C:\Program Files\Support Tools \>setspn -L spn 7. After setspn
    Enterprise Product Integration - PDF :
setspn -r AccountName
    OWA | Exchange KB :
setspn -r on the DC's however that hasn't helped
     Kerboros & SPN errors - Windows - Server management  :
setspn -r activedirectory-account
    JAASmine User Guide ‘΅ logiclander/jaasmine Wiki ‘΅ GitHub :
setspn -R computername -A = add arbitrary SPN Usage: setspn -A SPN computername -D = delete arbitrary SPN Usage: setspn -D If it can't find it then it searches again for "HOST/" instead. We'll see though
    How To Repair Setspn Cannot Find Account (Solved) :
setspn -r domino1
    d-PIT Solutions Knowledgebase - Troubleshooting Windows single sign-on for Web clients (SPNEGO) :
setspn -r servername" fixed the whole thing
    No SPN means No logon | ADdict :
setspn -r AccountName
     Service Principal Names (SPNs) SetSPN Syntax (Setspn.exe) - TechNet Articles - United States (English) - TechNet Wiki :
setspn -R computername
    Service Principle Name | SQLDBPool – OLTP, OLAP, Big Data and NOSQL :
setspn -R computername
    sql solace: 2007 :
setspn -R accountname
    Setspn - Windows CMD - :
setspn -R hostname
    iis - How do I register Network Service as an SPN? - Stack Overflow :
setspn -r
    Configure the delegation user account to delegate access to network resources for MDS Connection Service :
setspn -R daserver1
    Setspn | Microsoft Docs :
setspn -r domino1
    IBM (参考)Web クライアント用の Windows シングルサインオンに関するトラブルシューティング (SPNEGO) - United States :
setspn -r domino1
    IBM (参考)Web クライアント用の Windows シングルサインオンに関するトラブルシューティング (SPNEGO) - United States :
setspn -R
     WYSE Thin Clients + 802.1x - Dell Community :
setspn -r Crackers should register both of the HOST SPNs
    [SOLUTION] Any server named Crackers on our network now gives an error message when accessing a network share :
setspn -R command due to permissions (even though run as Administrator)
    Copy Windows 7 User Profile | MCB Systems :
setspn -R
    reddit: the front page of the internet :
setspn -R accountname
    Help for all Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1 commands :
setspn -R computername -A = add arbitrary SPN Usage: setspn -A SPN computername -D = delete arbitrary SPN Usage: setspn -D SPN computername -L = list registered SPNs Usage: setspn [-L] computername
    NTLM | Kerberos Authentication & Protocols | startup parameters & Broc :
setspn -R computername
    Command to find Duplicate SPN – :
setspn -R accountname -A = add arbitrary SPN Usage: setspn -A SPN accountname -S = add arbitrary SPN after verifying no duplicates exist Usage: setspn -S SPN accountname -D = delete arbitrary SPN Usage: setspn -D SPN accountname -L = list SPNs registered to target account Usage: setspn [-L] accountname Edit Mode Modifiers: -C = accountname is a computer account -U = accountname is a user account Note: -C and -U are exclusive. If neither is specified
    DOS - Microsoft DOS and Windows Command Line - S :

setspn ‚ΜƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“ˆκ——