コマンドオプションサンプル:REG COMPARE


reg compare "HKU\.Default\Control Panel\Desktop" "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop" /s /od    Reg.exe : http://www.softpanorama.org/Windows/Registry/microsoft_registry_tools.shtml
REG COMPARE (see below): 0 - Succussful    Reg.exe : http://www.softpanorama.org/Windows/Registry/microsoft_registry_tools.shtml
REG COMPARE /    Пара программ в помощь Regedit : http://blog.not-a-kernel-guy.com/2006/09/27/71/
REG COMPARE [\\Machine] [ROOTKEY\]Key [\\Machine] [ROOTKEY\]Key    REG : http://www.tekweb.dk/manuals/command/commands/R/REG.HTM
REG COMPARE [ROOT]RegKey [ROOT]RegKey [/v ValueName] [Output] [/s] REG COMPARE [ROOT]RegKey [ROOT]RegKey [/ve] [Output] [/s]    batch - How do I make a registry entry with command prompt? - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/914015/how-do-i-make-a-registry-entry-with-command-prompt
REG COMPARE [ROOT\]RegKey [ROOT\]RegKey [/v ValueName] [Output] [/s] REG COMPARE [ROOT\]RegKey [ROOT\]RegKey [/ve] [Output] [/s]Key: ROOT : HKLM = HKey_Local_machine (default) HKCU = HKey_current_user HKU = HKey_users HKCR = HKey_classes_root ValueName : The value    DOS - Microsoft DOS and Windows Command Line - REG : http://www.zoltis.com/component/seoglossary/2-dos-microsoft-dos-and-windows-command-line/registry-read,-set,-export,-delete-keys-and-values
REG COMPARE [ROOT\]RegKey [ROOT\]RegKey [/v ValueName] [Output] [/s]    windows - PUTTYセッションリストをエクスポートするには? - registry | CODE Q&A [日本語] : http://code.i-harness.com/ja/q/1fc91
REG COMPARE [ROOT\]RegKey [ROOT\]RegKey [/ve] [Output] [/s]    windows - PUTTYセッションリストをエクスポートするには? - registry | CODE Q&A [日本語] : http://code.i-harness.com/ja/q/1fc91
REG COMPARE [ROOTKEY\]Key [ROOTKEY\]Key [-o[M][D]] [-q] [-e] [\\Machine]    REG : http://www.tekweb.dk/manuals/command/commands/R/REG.HTM
REG COMPARE \\ZODIAC\HKLM\Software\MyCo \\. /s    レジストリの編集 - eto.com/d : http://eto.com/d/RegistryEdit.html
REG COMPARE \ZODIACHKLMSoftwareMyCo \. /s    command IIIテ「竄ャツヲテ「竄ャツヲREGISTRY - Aerrow : http://pdhewaju.com.np/2009/11/25/command-iiiregistry/
reg compare [    Reg flags : http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc742038(v=ws.11).aspx
REG COMPARE can not compare registry files    Internet Explorer and Windows registry - Microsoft Windows : http://bytes.com/topic/windows/answers/671526-internet-explorer-windows-registry
reg compare Command in Windows Server 2008     What is reg add Command in Windows Server 2008 : http://www.dotnetheaven.com/article/reg-load-command-in-windows-server-2008
Reg compare examples:    command IIIテ「竄ャツヲテ「竄ャツヲREGISTRY - Aerrow : http://pdhewaju.com.np/2009/11/25/command-iiiregistry/
REG COMPARE HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows2 /S    ハゲでも使えるWindows - コントロールパネルの設定後のレジストリの違いを調べる : http://menushowdelay.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2521.html
REG COMPARE HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console\Test    Batch Script Copying Registry Keys : http://www.tutorialspoint.com/batch_script/batch_script_comparing_registry_keys.htm
REG COMPARE HKLM\Software\MyCo HKLM\Software\MyCo1 /v Version    レジストリの編集 - eto.com/d : http://eto.com/d/RegistryEdit.html
REG COMPARE HKLM\Software\MyCo\MyApp HKLM\Software\MyCo\SaveMyApp    レジストリの編集 - eto.com/d : http://eto.com/d/RegistryEdit.html
REG COMPARE HKLMSoftwareMyCo HKLMSoftwareMyCo1 /v Version    command IIIテ「竄ャツヲテ「竄ャツヲREGISTRY - Aerrow : http://pdhewaju.com.np/2009/11/25/command-iiiregistry/
REG COMPARE HKLMSoftwareMyCoMyApp HKLMSoftwareMyCoSaveMyApp    command IIIテ「竄ャツヲテ「竄ャツヲREGISTRY - Aerrow : http://pdhewaju.com.np/2009/11/25/command-iiiregistry/
Reg Compare Inspect    RegMerge Download : http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/File-Management/RegMerge.shtml
REG COMPARE KeyName KEYNAME2 [    Windows registry troubleshooting (2015) : http://www.slideshare.net/FayumStephenTseen/windows-registry-troubleshooting-2015
reg compare KeyName1 KeyName2 [/v EntryName    notes Windows Batch Scripting wiki - 死板君的 - CSDN博客 : http://m.blog.csdn.net/csdnmonkey/article/details/54925644
REG COMPARE KeyName1 KeyName2 [/v ValueName    command IIIテ「竄ャツヲテ「竄ャツヲREGISTRY - Aerrow : http://pdhewaju.com.np/2009/11/25/command-iiiregistry/
reg compare KeyName1 KeyName2 v EntryName ve oaodoson s    notes Windows Batch Scripting wiki - 死板君的 - CSDN博客 : http://m.blog.csdn.net/csdnmonkey/article/details/54925644
REG COMPARE only)    REG : http://www.tekweb.dk/manuals/command/commands/R/REG.HTM
Reg compare tool generally download:    Reg Compare Tool - free download suggestions : http://softadvice.informer.com/Reg_Compare_Tool.html
Reg compare tool social advice    Reg Compare Tool - free download suggestions : http://softadvice.informer.com/Reg_Compare_Tool.html
Reg compare tool"    Reg Compare Tool - free download suggestions : http://softadvice.informer.com/Reg_Compare_Tool.html
Reg compare tool    RegDiff Download - It is a small command line tool to compare two registry files : http://regdiff.software.informer.com/
Reg compare windows    Registry Compare - Software Informer. This tool compares two registry files, show differences and generate a report. : http://registry-compare2.software.informer.com/
REG COMPARE    コマンドプロンプト REG コマンド : http://pasofaq.jp/windows/command/reg.htm


https://www.google.co.jp/#q=REG COMPARE