コマンドオプションサンプル:mbr2gpt /validate


mbr2gpt /validate /disk:0 /allowFullOS
    価格.com - 『SSDのパーティションをMBR→GPTでUEFIを使っています。』 サムスン 850 EVO MZ-75E250B/IT のクチコミ掲示板 : http://bbs.kakaku.com/bbs/K0000725581/SortID=21528433/
mbr2gpt /validate /allowFULLOS
    Enabling UEFI and SecureBoot after an Upgrade from Windows 7 OEM to Windows 10 OEM – The Unofficial Windows 10 Reinstallation Guide : http://dellwindowsreinstallationguide.com/enabling-uefi-and-secureboot-after-an-upgrade-from-windows-7-oem-to-windows-10-oem/
mbr2gpt /validate /disk:0
    MBR2GPT | Microsoft Docs : http://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/windows/deployment/mbr-to-gpt
mbr2gpt /validate I got an error message
    Alienware 18 CPU & GPU Upgrade HELP! | Page 2 | NotebookReview : http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/alienware-18-cpu-gpu-upgrade-help.811683/page-2
MBR2GPT /validate /allowFullOS
    Windows 10 Imaging, Customization and Deployment | Page 21 | My Digital Life Forums : http://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-10-imaging-customization-and-deployment.59187/page-21
mbr2gpt /validate /allowFullOS
     Mixing GPT and MBR disks Win10 | Windows Secrets Lounge : http://forums.windowssecrets.com/showthread.php/180560-Mixing-GPT-and-MBR-disks-Win10
mbr2gpt /validate /disk:0
    windows-itpro-docs/mbr-to-gpt.md at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/windows-itpro-docs 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/windows-itpro-docs/blob/master/windows/deployment/mbr-to-gpt.md
MBR2GPT /validate /disk:0 /allowfullos errors out for me and when I find the setuperr.log in the Windows directory
    MBR2GPT – JG Network Security : http://jgnetworksecurity.com/wp/tag/mbr2gpt/
mbr2gpt /validate /allowFullOS
    Convert from Seabios to OVMF - VM Engine (KVM) - Lime Technology : http://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/62181-convert-from-seabios-to-ovmf/
MBR2GPT /validate /allowFullOS
    BIOS to UEFI made easier with Windows 10 Creators Update | Mike's Tech Blog : http://miketerrill.net/2017/01/15/bios-to-uefi-made-easier-with-windows-10-creators-update/
mbr2gpt /validate /allowFullOS
    Shifting from BIOS to UEFI with Windows 10 - MBR2GPT disk conversion tool : http://mq.lava.kz/video/id_hfJep4hmg9o
mbr2gpt /validate /disk:X
    Convert your Windows 10 boot drive from MBR to GPT | Scottie's Tech.Info : http://scottiestech.info/2017/11/12/convert-your-windows-10-boot-drive-from-mbr-to-gpt/
mbr2gpt /validate site:www.tenforums.com
    「mbr2gpt /validate site:www.tenforums.com」の検索結果 - Yahoo!検索 : http://search.yahoo.co.jp/search@p=mbr2gpt+%2Fvalidate+site%3Awww.tenforums.com&rkf=1
mbr2gpt /validate /allowFullOS
     Clover EFI bootloader / Discussion / Open Discussion:clover hangs with High Sierra & Win 10 connected : http://sourceforge.net/p/cloverefiboot/discussion/1726372/thread/8c013801/@limit=25
mbr2gpt /validate /disk:0 /allowfullos
     Shifting from BIOS to UEFI with the Windows 10 Creators Update MBR2GPT disk conversion tool - Microsoft Tech Community - 60064 : http://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Windows-10/Shifting-from-BIOS-to-UEFI-with-the-Windows-10-Creators-Update/td-p/60064
mbr2gpt /validate /allowFullOS
    How to enable BitLocker on your new laptop when it won't let you : http://tomssl-proxy.azurewebsites.net/2017/12/27/how-to-enable-bitlocker-on-your-new-laptop-when-it-wont-let-you/
mbr2gpt /validate /allowFullOS
    How to enable BitLocker on your new laptop when it won't let you : http://tomssl.com/2017/12/27/how-to-enable-bitlocker-on-your-new-laptop-when-it-wont-let-you/
mbr2gpt /validate /disk:0 /allowFullOS and hit Enter. Make sure to replace /disk:0 with your disk number if it is different
    Converting your PC from Legacy BIOS to UEFI : http://tweaks.com/windows/67279/converting-your-pc-from-legacy-bios-to-uefi/
MBR2GPT /validate /allowFullOS
    Convert MBR To GPT With MBR2GPT In Windows 10 Version 1703 : http://winaero.com/blog/convert-mbr-gpt-mbr2gpt-windows-10-version-1703/
mbr2gpt /validate /disk:0
    [Windows10]ハードディスクドライブのデータを削除せずにレガシBIOSをUEFIモードに変換する~ブートセクタをMBRからGPTに変換する「MBR2GPT.exe」:初心者のためのHTMLとWindows(ウィンドウズ)、エクセル講座。HTML・CSSを使ったホームページ作成やWindows(ウィンドウズ)、エクセル(EXCEL)・メール(outlook)・フォトショップ(Photoshop)入門 : http://www.billionwallet.com/windows10/mbr2gpt.html
mbr2gpt /validate /disk:0
    Windows 10でMBR2GPTにより変換が失敗する理由と修正方法 : http://www.disk-partition.com/jp/windows-10/mbr2gpt-conversion-failed.html
MBR2GPT /validate /allowFullOS
    Convert MBR Disk to GPT Disk in Windows 10 Windows 10 Tutorials  : http://www.gba.gi/tutorials/81502-convert-windows-10-legacy-bios-uefi-without-data-loss.html
mbr2gpt /validate /allowfullos
    AMD Ryzen High Sierra Install Guide. - Page 2 - AMD - InsanelyMac Forum : http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/forums/topic/328795-amd-ryzen-high-sierra-install-guide/@page=2
mbr2gpt /validate /disk:0
    Resource: Converting Your Hardware to Support UEFI BIOS with the Windows 10 Creators Update | IT Pro : http://www.itprotoday.com/windows-10/convert-windows-10-system-bios-uefi
mbr2gpt /validate /disk:0 /allowfullos
     Using The MBR2GPT Conversion Tool - Kraft Kennedy - Kraft Kennedy  : http://www.kraftkennedy.com/using-the-mbr2gpt-conversion-tool/
mbr2gpt /validate /disk:[enter your disk number here] /allowFullOS
    How to Convert MBR to GPT Without Losing Data in Windows : http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/convert-mbr-gpt-windows/
mbr2gpt /validate /allowFullOS
    Change the System Partition From MBR to GPT in Windows 10 - Petri : http://www.petri.com/change-the-disk-partition-from-mbr-to-guid-in-windows-10
MBR2GPT /validate /disk:0
    reddit: the front page of the internet : http://www.reddit.com/r/Windows10/comments/8a7vep/updating_windows_10/
mbr2gpt /validate /allowFullOS to validate the disk. Otherwise
    How To Convert an MBR Disk to GPT and Switch From BIOS to UEFI on Windows 10 : http://www.techsupportpk.com/2017/05/mbr-gpt-windows10.html
mbr2gpt /validate /disk:2 I get
    Convert 1.5TB disk from MBR to GPT Solved - Windows 10 Forums : http://www.tenforums.com/drivers-hardware/101445-convert-1-5tb-disk-mbr-gpt.html
MBR2GPT /validate /disk: 0 /allowFullOS (to check if the disk is eligible for conversion)
    TPM Ready with reduced functionality; unable to use BitLocker [Solved] - Bitlocker - Antivirus / Security / Privacy : http://www.tomsguide.com/answers/id-3343446/tpm-ready-reduced-functionality-unable-bitlocker.html
MBR2GPT /validate /disk: 0 /allowFullOS (to check if the disk is eligible for conversion) c) Run: MBR2GPT /convert /disk: 0 /logs:c:\windows\logs /allowFullOS When you run bitlocker
    TPM Ready with reduced functionality; unable to use BitLocker - [Solved] - Antivirus / Security / Privacy : http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-3343446/tpm-ready-reduced-functionality-unable-bitlocker.html
MBR2GPT /validate /allowFullOS
    How to boot Windows 10 with Clover the easy way. | tonymacx86.com : http://www.tonymacx86.com/threads/how-to-boot-windows-10-with-clover-the-easy-way.227898/
mbr2gpt /validate /allowFullOS to validate the disk. Otherwise
    How to convert an MBR disk to GPT and move from BIOS to UEFI on Windows 10 | Windows Central : http://www.windowscentral.com/how-convert-mbr-disk-gpt-move-bios-uefi-windows-10

mbr2gpt のオプション一覧