コマンドオプションサンプル:gpresult /USER


gpresult /user <
    Windows★Active Directoryスレ [win] さるログ保管 - 2ch : http://2ch.log-for.me/read/win/1090661086/335-435
gpresult /user \
    Windows★Active Directoryスレ (771) : http://2ch.vet/re_toro_win_1090661086_372_100
gpresult /user <
    PC等|Windows★Active Directoryスレ - びんたんde5ちゃんねる : http://bintan.ula.cc/2ch/Windows/mevius.5ch.net/1090661086/C
gpresult /user:xxx /h z:\gporesult.html
    [SOLVED] Group policy not applying to map network drive? - Spiceworks : http://community.spiceworks.com/topic/2020090-group-policy-failing-since-restore
gpresult /USER hogehoge /Z
    移動プロファイルかの判断について - 移動プロファイルを使用しているか否かを、... - Yahoo!知恵袋 : http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1465877129@__ysp=ImdwcmVzdWx0IC9VU0VSIg==
gpresult /user domain/usertest /v
    Group Policy Results (RSOP) - XenApp 6.0 for Windows Server 2008 R2 - General - Discussions : http://discussions.citrix.com/topic/344889-group-policy-results-rsop/
GPRESULT /USER targetusername /V
    GPRESULT | dosprompt.info : http://dosprompt.info/commands/gpresult.asp
gpresult /user [\]
    Network administration commands for Microsoft Windows and Active Directory | Doug Vitale Tech Blog : http://dougvitale.wordpress.com/2013/02/07/network-administration-commands-for-microsoft-windows-and-active-directory/
gpresult /user frizzo /s xppro1 /scope:user
    Group Policy: Fundamentals, Security, and the Managed Desktop - PDF Free Download : http://epdf.tips/group-policy-fundamentals-security-and-the-managed-desktop64659.html
gpresult /user anders /v
    GitHub - AndersDJohnson/windows-notes: Windows notes. : http://github.com/AndersDJohnson/windows-notes
gpresult /User /v > c:\gpresult.txt
     Data Loss Prevention Endpoint rules do not function when applied via an Active Directory security group  : http://kc.mcafee.com/corporate/index@page=content&id=KB87730&actp=null&showDraft=false&platinum_status=false&locale=ja_JP&viewlocale=ja_JP
gpresult /USER %_user% /F /H d:\temp\grResultUser.html
    gpresult.exe | Learning in the Open : http://learningintheopen.org/tag/gpresult-exe/
gpresult /user UserA /scope computer /r
    Active_Directory [SOLVED]: GPResult error The user does not have RSoP data fails as Domain Admin - Linux Solutions : http://linux.cloudypoint.com/forums/topic/active_directory-solved-gpresult-error-the-user-does-not-have-rsop-data-fails-as-domain-admin/
GPRESULT /USER targetusername /V
     [Windows]コマンド一覧(ヘルプリファレンス未サポート) - MOMOYA.Labs // 桃屋ラボ  : http://momoya.me.land.to/@pid=29
GPRESULT /USER nomeutentedestinazione /V
    Gpresult - English - Italian Translation and Examples : http://mymemory.translated.net/en/English/Italian/gpresult
GPRESULT /USER targetusername /V
     : http://officena.web.fc2.com/i/win/command_1.html
GPRESULT /USER targetusername /V
    コマンドプロンプト その他のコマンド : http://pasofaq.jp/windows/command/other.htm
    AD参加クライアントにおけるWSUSの適用 - QA@IT : http://qa.atmarkit.co.jp/q/996
gpresult /USER username /h C:\report.html
    windows - Can gpresult query the default user template on a standalone machine? - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/419972/can-gpresult-query-the-default-user-template-on-a-standalone-machine
gpresult /user %myuser% /R Showing the group policies applied to the user
    GROUP POLICY. Group Policy is a hierarchical infrastructure which allows systems administrators to configure computer and user settings from a central. - ppt download : http://slideplayer.com/slide/10202356/
GPRESULT /USER targetusername /V
    Batch File - Smartofpedia : http://smartofpedia.blogspot.com/p/help-batch-buat-file-batch.html
gpresult /user targetusername /scope computer /r
    GPResult - Windows CMD - SS64.com : http://ss64.com/nt/gpresult.html
gpresult /user myAccount /r
    windows - Get user's non-truncated Active Directory groups from command line - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1458016/get-users-non-truncated-active-directory-groups-from-command-line
gpresult /user targetusername /scope computer
    Module 9: Managing the User Environment by Using Group Policy : http://studylib.net/doc/8811768/module-9--managing-the-user-environment-by-using-group-po
GPRESULT /USER %username%
    security - Windows: View "all" permissions of a specific user or group - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/613160/windows-view-all-permissions-of-a-specific-user-or-group
gpresult /user targetusername /scope computer
     local Security Policy -  : http://sys.blogsky.com/1389/03/02/post-751/
gpresult /user <
    Windows★Active Directoryスレ : http://toro.2ch.sc/test/read.cgi/win/1090661086/
    GPRESULTS.EXE – How to use Group Policy Results on Windows 7 – The Visual Guide | University of South Wales: Information Security & Privacy : http://uwnthesis.wordpress.com/2014/06/04/gpresults-exe-how-to-use-group-policy-results-on-windows-7-the-visual-guide/
gpresult /user sseely /scope computer /v If you are logged on with a standard user account
    70 640 - windows server 2008 - active directory configuration - [PDF Document] : http://vdocuments.site/70-640-windows-server-2008-active-directory-configuration.html
GPRESULT /USER targetusername /V
    RSoP and GPResult - Must-Know Tools When Using Group Policy - 404 Tech Support : http://www.404techsupport.com/2010/05/11/rsop-and-gpresult-must-know-tools-when-using-group-policy/
GPRESULT /USER targetusername /V
    Australia free chat room : http://www.addhq.tk/console/en/086.htm
gpresult /USER psycho. Do remember the /USER. This command would be a mistake: gpresult /psycho
    TechSpot: April 2009 : http://www.anas.co.in/2009/04/
gpresult /user [domain/]user
    OS Command Line Tools Flashcards by Z H | Brainscape : http://www.brainscape.com/flashcards/os-command-line-tools-6133860/packs/9422516
gpresult /USER psycho. Do remember the /USER. This command would be a mistake: gpresult /psycho
    Microsoft GPMC Group Policy Management Console. Windows Server 2003  : http://www.computerperformance.co.uk/w2k3/gp/group_policy_GPMC.htm
GPRESULT /USER targetusername /V
    DOS Command Index : http://www.dostips.com/DosCommandIndex.php
gpresult /user User11 /scope computer
     Gpresult Command In Windows Server 2008 : http://www.dotnetheaven.com/article/gpresult-command-in-windows-server-2008
gpresult /user /x mygroup.xml
    What Roles Does A User Have in vSphere? | DoubleCloud => Private Cloud + Public Cloud : http://www.doublecloud.org/2011/11/what-roles-does-a-user-have-in-vsphere/
gpresult /user myAccount /r
    Windows Batch Scripting: Check if user is a member of an AD security group | DXSdata : http://www.dxsdata.com/2016/01/windows-batch-scripting-check-if-user-is-a-member-of-an-ad-security-group/
GPRESULT /USER targetusername /V
    FOR WINDOWS, Sysadmin + Programming : http://www.elab.ph/forum/index.php@topic=8831.120
GPResult /User parameter exists--so you can test RSoP against that particular user
    One computer in the domain not getting all the Group Policy Objects : http://www.experts-exchange.com/questions/29091653/One-computer-in-the-domain-not-getting-all-the-Group-Policy-Objects.html
gpresult /USER [
    IBM [DB2 LUW] DB2 インスタンス・サービス起動ユーザーに付与する必要がある Windows の権限 - United States : http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss@uid=swg21617958
gpresult /user usr1 /h result.html"')
     How to run CMD shell commands - KB303 - Inflectra : http://www.inflectra.com/support/knowledgebase/kb303.aspx
gpresult /user tmccacad\installer /v /scope computer)
    Q&A: How to find out if a machine has a certain GPO applied? | ITNinja : http://www.itninja.com/question/view-list-of-applied-windows-group-policies
gpresult /user proto06 /scope computer /v
    Windows 10 1607 not honouring startup or login scripts applied via domain group policy? : sysadmin : http://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/6flewx/windows_10_1607_not_honouring_startup_or_login/
GPRESULT /USER targetusername /V
    Help for all Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate commands : http://www.robvanderwoude.com/allhelpw7_en.php
gpresult /user jsmith /s jsmith-ws
    Using GPResultexe - Maintaining Windows Server 2000 2003 : http://www.serverbrain.org/maintaining-2000-2003/using-gpresultexe.html
gpresult /user jsmith B. gpresult jsmith C. gpresult /user jsmith /v D. gpresult /user jsmith /v /x Ans: C Qus 120 : What is responsible for managing changes to the Active Directory database
    Server2008 bits[1] : http://www.slideshare.net/souravnanda1/server2008-bits1
GPRESULT /USER targetusername /V
     WMI - Windows Management Instrumentation - BATCH SCRIPTS : http://www.sysnative.com/forums/windows-tips-and-tricks/3319-wmi-windows-management-instrumentation-batch-scripts.html
gpresult /USER username /V >C:\outputl.log" the desk based user
    Re: folder redirdction for remote users : http://www.tech-archive.net/Archive/Windows/microsoft.public.windows.group_policy/2008-03/msg00047.html
gpresult /USER command the result was RSOP data for the user not available. some body give an idea oly few days to go live
     Applying GPO on OU/Group/USer/Computers - Tech Support Forum : http://www.techsupportforum.com/forums/f8/applying-gpo-on-ou-group-user-computers-392090.html
gpresult /user UserName /v
    Enable or Disable Cortana in Windows 10 - Page 2 - Windows 10 Tutorials  : http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/25118-enable-disable-cortana-windows-10-a-2.html
gpresult /user Andy /v >results.txt ]. Look for something like below. If you do not find a Group Policy that is enforcing the setting
    Reducing IE security settings - Windows 2000/NT - Tom's Hardware : http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/224846-46-reducing-security-settings
gpresult /user your_account_name /h c:\gpo.html /f
    How to View Group Policy Applied to Your Windows 10 User | Password Recovery : http://www.top-password.com/blog/view-group-policy-applied-to-windows-10-user/
gpresult /user kevin /z will display all available information about the group policy applied to the user kevin. For more information about using this tool
    Windows Group Policy Results : http://www.windows-active-directory.com/windows-group-policy-results.html
gpresult /user <
     Windows★Active Directoryスレ : http://xn--2-p9tvat9ftak9dtd.yokohama/2018/02/14/windows髫ィ%98%85active-directory繝サ・ス・ス繝サ・ス繝サ・ス・セ%9A
gpresult /user <
     Windows★Active Directoryスレ : http://xn--2ch-yb4b8dta.yokohama/2018/03/17/windows髫ィ%98%85active-directory繝サ・ス・ス繝サ・ス繝サ・ス・セ%9A-4

gpresult のオプション一覧