Command option Sample:aws greengrass associate-service-role-to-account

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Associates a role with your account.Show details from next link.

aws greengrass associate-service-role-to-account \
    AssociateServiceRoleToAccount - AWS Greengrass :
aws greengrass associate-service-role-to-account --role-arn
    IoTGateway/AWS/Greengrass - ESS-WIKI :
aws greengrass associate-service-role-to-account --role-arn arn:aws:iam::123EXAMPLE12:role/GreengrassRole
    aws-snowball-developer-guide/ at master 揃 awsdocs/aws-snowball-developer-guide 揃 GitHub :
aws greengrass associate-service-role-to-account --role-arn arn:aws:iam::123451234510:role/GreengrassRole"
    AWS Greengrass on Raspberry Pi: Creating Core and Node Devices :

aws のオプション一覧